Serving sailors online since 1997
| Amazing GOOP |

Marine Goop

Marine Goop image
Marine Goop image

UV Resistant, Waterproof and Flexible Adhesive

Mends tears in seats, cushions, canopies and boat covers
Seals windshields and around portholes
Repairs rubber dock bumpers and rubber rafts
Totally weatherproof and UV stable
Dries to a clear, waterproof, rubber- like consistency
Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
Marine Goop, 10.2 oz. Cartridge6 business days SKU 147027
Mfg p/n 172012
46 in stock $9.75
Marine Goop, 3.7 oz. Tube6 business days SKU 147028
Mfg p/n 170012
29 in stock $9.75