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Automatic Float Switch AS888

Automatic Float Switch AS888 image

Mercury-Free Float Switch

For full automatic bilge pumping operation, connect the automatic switch to your bilge pump. The AS888 automatic switch has a time-proven micro switch without mercury. When water exceeds the acceptable level, the pump is turned on by a rolling steel ball, which changes the pressure on the micro switch. The AS888 attaches to any Johnson Pump bilge pump through the clip on "T-Slot" and can be used with 6, 12, 24 or 32 volt systems.
Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
Automatic Switch AS888 - 15A Max. Pump Draw6 business days SKU 207716
Mfg p/n 1004487
18 in stock $22.19