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Bed-It Tape

Bed-It Tape  image

Bed-It Tape is back!

Developed by Compass Marine (owned by Rodd Collins, aka Maine Sail), we're thrilled to bring back this very popular product, which is in stock and shipping now!

Bed-It is specifically formulated for the installation of deck fittings to boat decks. All installation and formulation requirements have been brought together in a single, top-quality marine-specific bedding tape.

It's designed to:

*Work across wide temperature ranges with minimal "creep" or cold flow even in hot climates

*Have exceptional tolerance to withstand slight movement between deck and fitting

*Stand up to typical boat washing chemicals

*Stick to the parts, not your fingers

*Have the proper density for use in a "compression" application.

*Have the right density to displace from under the fitting in a reasonable time frame

Bed-It Tape is made only from the finest materials and has been designed to exceed the quality of pre-EPA tapes that have lasted for 30+ years.

Bed-It Tape is NOT an RV, Masonry, HVAC, or glazing product. It was specifically formulated for use in bedding deck hardware.

Bed-It Tape is made in the USA with US labor and US jobs.

Rod's article on bedding hardware with Bed-It Tape
Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
Bed-It Tape, 50 ft x 1/2 in Roll1 business day SKU 832424 315 in stock $21.95